I work with earth, water, fire, minerals, plants, time, and words.

I believe that each presence in this world has a story.

This belief has been with me all of my life. This is why and how I became an artist who writes.

I’ve created this space to share what I’m making. Along the way, there are stories and explorations of oceans, books, salt, bodies of memory, and the strange pursuit of a childhood dream to build a home beneath the sea.

Koji, my magical dog star, is my steadfast navigator. That’s him steering our course above.

Born and raised in the Hawaiian archipelago, I live here now.

With wild regard,

Lisa Asagi

About the content of Isla of the Wild

The various text and images are all original work conceptualized and created by me, Lisa Asagi, unless noted and credited.

If you want to share this work, you must quote it and link it to this website.